A/B Testing Different Ad Creatives And Formats: An Overview

A/B Testing

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A/B testing means trying out two versions of an app, webpage, or advert copy to see which performs better with your target audience. This removes any room for guessing since you will have real data to make informed decisions. The goal of A/B testing is basically to learn customers’ preferences.

You can do A/B testing on several things, for example, a web page/app to test different layouts, headlines, images, and call-to-action buttons to improve user experience and conversions. You can also test different email subject lines and layouts to increase click-through rate (CTR). Also,  you can test ad creatives to enhance performance and return on investment. The product design should also be tested to ensure it meets user needs and preferences. You can also test colors and fonts to learn which ones resonate with your target audience.

The Ideal Setup For A/B Testing

To have an ideal setup for A/B testing, there ae factors to consider. These factors, if followed through will determine the success of the test and the strength of the data that will be generated from it. Some of these factors are:

  • Identifying your goals and metrics
  • Choosing the right platform and tools for your A/B testing
  • Creating a hypothesis for your test

Identifying Your Goals And Metrics

Goals are the results you want to see from your A/B test. Metrics are the numbers you want to see to determine whether you are achieving your goals. Your goals should be clear, specific, and measurable. Some goals you can set include:

  • Getting more people to click on your ad or web page
  • Encouraging more visitors to take a desired action like making a purchase, leaving a message, making a comment, or signing up for a newsletter.
  • Getting users to stay longer on your site to interact with more content

Your metrics are the yardstick for measuring whether your goals have been achieved. For example, did you get more people to click on your ad or web page? Did more visitors take certain desired actions as outlined in your goals? Are users of your web page getting to stay longer to interact with more content thereby reducing your bounce rate. If your answer to all these questions is yes, then you have achieved your goals.

Choosing The Right Platform And Tools For Your A/B Testing

Selecting the right platforms and tools for your A/B testing is necessary for effective measurement of your marketing camppaign efforts. To determine which platform and tools are right for you, there are certain questions you need to ask.

  • Is the platform easy to use, that is, does it have an intuitive interface with an easy setup process?
  • Does it have a comprehensive documentation I can always refer to and a responsive customer support?
  • Does it integrate well with your existing content management system>
  • Is it scalable and able to grow with your business in incrasing traffic?
  • Is the cost worth it in relation to the value it provides?

These questions must be answered in the affirmative before you go ahead to choose a platform for your A/B testing.  Find out about six A/B testing tools you might be interested in this post.

The most popular A/B testing tools include:

  • Google Optimize: Google Optimize is a free tool that seamlessly integrates with Google Analytics  and it is also user-friendly.
  • Optimizely: This has a very comprehensive feature and robust support. It is also user-friendly for both beginners and advanced users.
  • Visual Website Optimizer: You can record with VWO. It has a user-friendly interface, visual editor, and heatmaps.
  • Unbounce: Unbounce is great for conducting A/B testing for landing pages. It has an easy-to-use drag and drop page builder.

Read also: Mobile Responsive Web Design: Why It Is Important

Creating A Hypothesis For Your Test

A/B testing hypohesis is a statement that is clear and can be tested. It forecasts how user behaviour can be impacted due to changes in landing pages or other elements.

The Oxford Languages define hypothesis as a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

To create a hypothesis, the following steps are important:

  • Identify the problem by looking at the current data to find areas of improvement. An example problem could be that you are experiencing a hign bounce rate on your landing page.
  • From the identified problem, formulate questions that can be tested. A question that can be formulated from the identified problem is “Why are users leaving your landing page without taking action”.
  • Propose solution by way of suggesting a specific change to address the problem. A propose solution could be changing the colour of the call-to-action-button from blue to red.
  • Clearly state  what you expect to happen as a way of predicting the result. A statement of what you expect to happen could be “a change of the colour of the call-o-action-button from blue to red will increase the click through rate by 70%”.
  • Always ensure your hypothesis is specific and measurable.

Selecting Ad Creatives For Testing

Different ad creatives can trigger different responses. It is therefore important to test various variations to see which one gets the desired response from your target audience. When choosing ad creatives to test, consider using various types such as videos, images, and carousels.  You can also focus on visual elements like colours, and fonts. Also, you can craft compelling email headlines, descriptions, and call-to-action on your landing page.

Choosing An Ad Format To Test

In choosing what ad format to test, you must consider the cost and the audience you  want to reach. A video ad format for example has been proven to be more effective than image or just text. But it can be more expensive. Also, you are more likely to reach a younger audience with a social media ad that any other form of ad. Matching ad format to your target audience is so crucial. The various ad formats like display advertising, social media advertising, and search advertising are great depending on what audience you wish to reach and the cost involved in relation to your financial strength.

The ad format you choose is also largely determined by what you wish to advertise. For example, display ad is good for products while search ad is great for services.

Designing Your A/B Test

In designing your A/B test, do the following:

  • Choose different audiences based on age and other demographic factors. This is important to forestall any biases. Let you audience be adequately split. In this way, you will get accurate data.
  • Allow the test to run for a duration long enough for you to get enough data to work with.

Running Your A/B Testing

Running the test is important after the design to monitor your ad campaigns performance. Before now, you must have identified the metrics you want to keep an eye on. Focus on those metrics. Be ready to make adjustments where necessary, but ensure you don’t make them too early. This is to ensure your results are not skewed.

Analyzing Results For Your A/B Testing

Once the test-run is over, analyze the data collected.  By analyzing the data, you will see how the various variants of your A/B test are performing and which one performed better. Once you are able to identify the best performing variant, focus on it to optimize it for even a/bbetter performance.

Implementing Findings From Your A/B Test

Now that you have gathered enough data and done your analysis, it it now time to make data-driven decisions. Implement changes permanently based on the variant that out-performed the others. Document the lessons leant and apply them to future campaigns for continous improvements.

A Case Study And Example

You can get deeper insights from A/B testing if you look at real world examples.There are many companies that have used A/B testing to  optimize their campaign. A good example is a retail company that discovers that, after testing product images, the lifestyle photos lead to higher engagements that products-only images.

Best Practices For A/B Testing

  • Focus on one change at a time to isolate its impact. This is provide you with more clarity on what data to pay closer attention to.
  • Avoid changing multiple variables simultaneously. And don’t end the test too early.
  • Keep up with trends and techno;ogies in A/B testing.


A/B testing is no doubt an important tool for optimizing ad creatives and formats. By identifying your goals and metrics, you can make data-driven decisions that enhance your marketing efforts. You can also achieve better performance and greater reurn on investment (ROI).






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